Why not make some innovative ways of parking your cars too


Parking fails-Parking can be really stressful. Finding a place even when you are in a hurry, can be a real task. So why not bend the rules but not break them.

Hilarious parking fails

Hilarious parking fails

So there isn’t that much space on either side of the pavilion. But just enough if you could add up space on both sides. A little head solved the problem. uh?

Hilarious parking fails

Oops! A canal in your way of parking. Never mind your car can be the perfect bridge. Just long enough to do the magic.

Road’s getting narrower? Well, not a problem. Just needs a tiny bit of care that no one accidentally pushes it too much. Could result in tumbling off you’re a car. It would be awful!

A stone ball in your way of parking? Nay, it’s strong enough it can support it. You can just walk off to do your work, that seems way more important than the security of people.

What’s that glass shed doing in the middle of the parking area. I think your van will fit in. Just bump it in and walk off for you’re working.

Ah… too much work to actually park it correctly. You’re halfway there, you might just as well leave it there and go off for your errands.

Yesterday I ‘tried’ parking my car rightly but accidentally it was between two spaces. So I just pushed my car sideways so that it laid on its side in the correct space. GENIUS, right?


The sticker of Jurassic Park is meant to scare away people and explain why this car must stand isolated and not follow the obvious social norms to park a car. 

Nobody uses stairs, right? I mean its 2018 people use flying jets and yachts to get down from an elevated pavement. Otherwise why else would a person park a car obstructing the landing area of a staircase? I mean why?


I am sure the driver of this car was a straight A student in Geometry. I mean what perfect angles. It’s a shame he did not get a greater audience for this beautiful piece of artwork.